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Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Welcome and Opening General Session
The Double Bottom Line
Patrick Adams (presentation), Tishaura O. Jones, Reverend Starsky Wilson
CEO Patrick Adams shares his experience and expertise in creating and growing the double bottom line at St. Louis Community Credit Union, celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. With 52,000 members and more than $250 million in assets, SLCCU is a CDFI credit union with a passion and a purpose to serve the underserved in the City and County of St. Louis. Part of SLCCU’s success is derived from their leadership role in the economic development of St. Louis and the community partnerships they have developed. In this session, Patrick Adams will be joined by Tishaura O. Jones, Treasurer for the City of St. Louis, and Reverend Starsky Wilson, President and CEO of the Deaconess Foundation, a faith-based grant making organization devoted to the well-being of children in St. Louis, who will share their perspectives on financial inclusion in St. Louis.
Morning Breakout Sessions
Data Analytics for Impact and Performance (presentation)
Paul Ablack, Ann Legg
Technological advancements and a rapidly increasing amount of readily-available data are altering the way businesses operate. Taken together, data and analytics may be the single most powerful catalyst for measured growth and change for credit unions. In this session, learn how forward-thinking credit unions are developing strategies around data and analytics to increase service to undeserved communities, deepen their impact and grow their institutions.
Maximizing Mortgage Production
Jack Baker (presentation), Sandra Heidinger (presentation), Freda Reynolds (presentation)
This session will include a speaker from Freddie Mac to address the FHFA “Duty to Serve” and the partnership between Freddie and Inclusiv. We will discuss the CDCU Mortgage Center Portfolio product, ITIN product and how member credit unions can earn by selling loans to the Mortgage Center. We will also discuss upcoming offerings for training we intend to make available to member credit unions regarding mortgage regulations, products and operations.
Optimizing Your Use of Social Media
Cameron Madill (presentation), David Ludwig, Renee Miller (presentation)
The increase in the number of Americans using social media in the past 10 years is staggering – from 5 percent in 2005 to 69 percent today. While usage rates vary somewhat by age, gender, race, income, education and community, everyone is using social media, with Facebook outpacing other platforms by a considerable margin. This session will discuss how credit unions of all sizes can use social media to better connect with their members and their community, in order to increase awareness, relevance and membership.
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Targeting America’s Biggest Market: The Lending Needs of Millennials
David Lockhart (presentation)
With market indicators predicting steady loan growth, credit unions are uniquely positioned to capture significant market share from the largest segment of today’s consumers: millennials. This in-depth session provides insights into the buying behaviors, financial priorities, media and channels available to you to establish lasting financial relationships with this key audience. Learn how to build deeper loyalty at an early stage of your members’ financial life cycle. We’ll share best practices on how your lending products and financial services can meet millennials where, how and when they prefer.
Meeting the Evolving Demand for Online and Mobile Banking (presentation)
Tim Erwin, Emily Koehler, Blake Myers
Millennials and other key credit union customer segments are increasingly moving toward digital banking. In order to thrive, credit unions must keep pace with online lenders and digital-only banks. In this session, learn about the strategies for effective web design, the growing usage of micro-sites, and strategies to make the most out of your online and mobile banking platform.
Managing Risk
D. Scott Neat (presentation)
Community development credit unions specialize in lending to low- and moderate income consumers. Our goal is to manage risk, not minimize it! Join this session to learn how to grow your member base through managing risk in an environment where one in five consumers is credit invisible or has no credit score, where households of color are disproportionately affected by low or no scores, and where working and low-income consumers aren’t given the credit they deserve, even when consistently paying rent and utility bills.
General Session
Insights into the Financial Health of Low-Income Consumers and Opportunities for Future Investment
Ray Boshara (presentation) , Terri Friedline (presentation), David Stiffler (presentation), Paul Woodruff (moderator)
While the number of unbanked households in the U.S. is on the decline, the number of underbanked households is holding steady at just under 20 percent, and too many Americans still on rely on payday lenders and check cashers. Ray Boshara, Director of the Center for Household Financial Stability at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; Terri Friedline, Faculty Director of Financial Inclusion at the Center on Assets, Education and Inclusion at the University of Kansas; and David Stiffler, VP for Global Corporate Responsibility at Equifax, present the most recent research on the financial trends affecting low- and moderate-income consumers and families. This session provides insights into promising results on improving household financial health, and building a household’s ability to invest in the future and to achieve their financial goals.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Morning Workshops
A Closer Look at Financial Coaching Models Workshop (presentation)
Shasta Leininger, Sheilah Montgomery, Diane Sandoval, Christopher Starr
Financial counseling and coaching is a proven method to improve financial well-being, and credit unions are pioneers in integrating counseling into financial services. In this interactive workshop, we’ll dive into successful credit union models to deliver financial coaching supported by Inclusiv’s Pathways to Financial Empowerment Program including in-branch delivery and the new On the Rise Financial Center in Atlanta, GA.
Small Credit Unions with Big Impact Workshop: Strategies for Small Credit Union Growth and Sustainability
Carl J. Banks (presentation), Deborah Boatright (presentation), Andrea Lally (presentation)
This two-hour session will examine the key elements small credit unions need for growth and sustainability. The presentations will focus on developing operational tools, establishing strategic partnerships for growth and creating back-office efficiencies through a shared core platform. This interactive session will also give small CUs an opportunity to showcase their impact in the community by sharing best practices and success stories.
Measuring Impact Workshop (presentation)
Terry Ratigan, Ed Sivak
The ability to track, measure and communicate impact – that is, to clearly make a meaningful case for the work your credit unions does – is an important part of a credit union’s success. Despite all of the critical work accomplished by credit unions, many of the most effective mission-driven credit unions face the daunting challenge of communicating their social impact. Credit unions must be able to communicate: What are we doing in our credit unions to bring the unbanked and the underbanked into the financial system? How are we fostering financial literacy? How are we promoting financial inclusion? How are we helping to grow small businesses? How are we helping families finance education? Having good answers to these questions provides the best possible reason why funders and community advocates should turn their attention to the Community Development Credit Union story. In this session, learn how leading CDCUs are sharing their message and story to increase awareness and thirdparty buy-in for the CDCU mission.
Juntos Avanzamos Workshop (presentation)
Alejandra Seluja, Cameron Madill, Purvi Patel, Jack Baker
Does your credit union currently serve Hispanic consumers? Hispanic immigrants are a vibrant community whose impact on the American economy is growing. Juntos Avanzamos, a unique collaboration of credit unions, state leagues and professional associations whose national expansion is being led by Inclusiv, is committed to both serving and empowering Hispanic consumers. If you are currently serving or thinking of expanding to include Hispanic immigrants in your community development outreach, join this session for next steps and best practice examples of products, services and programs that work for underserved Hispanic consumers in your community and work for your credit union. The Juntos Avanzamos credit union network is growing. Find out what it takes to become designated.
Using Secondary Capital to Drive Financial and Community Impact Workshop
Bob Hoel, Steve Pagenstecher (presentation), Barbara Stephens, Cathi Kim (presentation), Eben Sheaffer (presentation)
How can you successfully plan for growth and calculate returns on secondary capital? To achieve both financial and community impact, CDCU leaders must have the resources and plans to achieve sustainability. In this session you’ll learn how to calculate returns on secondary capital loans, and draft business plans and frameworks that factor both financial and social impact. Participants will also have the opportunity to engage with members of the Community Development Investments Committee and to learn how funders review applications and review their findings from successful secondary capital loan partnerships. From this workshop you will leave with a template for calculating cost/benefit analysis on secondary capital loans, and a practical framework for modeling an integrated business and community impact plan, including insights on developing meaningful performance indicators and impact metrics to keep you and your team on track.
General Session
Credit Union Collaborations
Kirk Kordeleski (presentation)
Kirk Kordeleski, president and founder of Kordeleski Consulting and former CEO of multi-billion dollar Bethpage FCU, shares the benefits, challenges and strategies for planning and implementing a shared services business model. Kirk provides examples of how sharing technology and other services across organizations can deliver on operational efficiencies, relevance and growth for credit unions of all sizes.
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
The Paperless Future: New Opportunities for Shared and Secured Cards
Naomi Anderson (presentation), James Gukiessen (presentation), Steve Zuckerman (presentation)
As our society changes and becomes increasingly paperless, more and more credit unions are providing electronic options for members through the use of paperless checking accounts and pre-paid cards. Come to this session and learn how a credit union innovator is using a paperless checking account, how a new pre-paid card is providing an opportunity for CUs to expand their reach into the community and how a small CU is providing card services to tap into an unmet need within their membership.
Automated Lending for Small Dollar and Short-Term Loans
Ben Morales (presentation), Yvonne Sambrano (presentation)
Have you considered an automatic lending solution for small dollar or short term consumer and small business loans? Automated banking technology can provide credit unions with an affordable alternative to traditional lending - underwriting, approving and funding loans quickly with limited or no human intervention. Benefits include improved customer service as members access funds sooner than with traditional methods, streamlined compliance, operational efficiencies and improved reporting. Join this session to learn if automated lending is right for your credit union.
Building Youth Financial Assets and Capability (presentation)
Monica Copeland, I-Hsing Sun, Laura Woods
Around the country, cities and local partnerships are developing new ways to build young people’s financial capability and assets to prepare them to pursue higher education and good jobs. Learn about the national growth of child savings account and youth employment financial capability programs and how St. Louis is innovating in both of these efforts.
General Session
What’s Next for the CDFI Fund and CDFI Certified Credit Unions
Annie Donovan
The nation’s almost 300 CDFI credit unions make up about one-third of all certified CDFIs, but hold more than 50 percent of total CDFI assets. The CDFI community turned out to prevent cuts to the Fund’s 2017 budget and is actively advocating with Congress to approve $250 million in CDFI funding for 2018. Hear more about next steps for the Fund, including the possibility of additional funding for use in Persistent Poverty Counties, changes to the applications for Financial and Technical Assistance Awards along with changes to the evaluation process, and the possibility of smaller, more numerous Financial Assistance Awards. Inclusiv is the leading advocate with the CDFI Fund for the credit union industry and our Annual Conference is the largest gathering of CDFI credit unions in the U.S. Not currently a CDFI certified credit union? Join us to learn if CDFI certification is right for you.
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Doing Well by Doing Good: The CDFI Business Model and Successful Business Planning
Terry Ratigan (presentation), Cathi Kim (presentation)
CDFI credit unions are known as industry leaders in community impact. What’s less known is that most CDFIs also lead their peers in financial performance. How does the CDFI business model contribute to financial success? This session will explore how knowledge of CDFI Target Markets and sound business planning can increase impact, ensure CDFI compliance, build competitiveness for CDFI grants, and boost a credit union’s bottom line.
Partnerships and Collaboration
Laura Aguirre (presentation), Richard Witherspoon
Partnerships with local groups and non-profit organizations are an important factors for credit unions looking to bring on new services and expand their reach into the community. This workshop will look at how successful CDCUs have been able to access local resources through innovative partnerships and strategic collaborations to have greater impact. Learn the best practices to use for these collaborations in your community.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
General Session
Helping Members Face the Challenges of Accumulating Assets
Michael Sherraden (presentation)
Twenty years ago, Michael Sherraden, Founder and Director of the Center for Social Development at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis, broke new ground on social policy with his book Assets and the Poor: A New American Welfare Policy. Michael is the creator of Individual Development Accounts (or IDAs), matched savings programs designed to help the working poor accumulate assets. Michael will share the community development and wealth accumulation strategies he’s witnessed to be most effective over the course of his storied career.
General Session
Advocacy Bootcamp
Sheilah Montgomery, Adolphus Pruitt, Renee Sattiewhite (presentation), Ed Sivak, Clarissa Ritter (presentation | CDFI Funding Campaign), Paul Woodruff
With their safe and affordable products and services, community development credit unions are the best choice for low-income consumers and communities. Credit unions with a mission to serve the underserved are a tight knit community and have an outsized, if not always well understood, impact on their members and their communities. Join Inclusiv staff and your fellow Community Development Credit Union leaders for a focus on effective strategies for individual and collective political action, at the local, state and federal levels. Our combined experience and expertise is unmatched in the financial services industry. Make your voice heard in a turbulent political environment that could affect your credit union and community.