Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

 "At Inclusiv, diversity, equity and inclusion is part of our DNA and integral to everything we do. Inclusiv strives to practice diversity in all aspects of our mission and work. Our commitment to financial inclusion and empowerment through our work with community development credit unions is the means by which we bridge the growing racial and gender wealth gap that reveals the deep inequities that remain a part of our economy and society. We ensure that diverse voices and perspectives are heard by practicing the values of diversity, equity and inclusion in how we work with our staff, our members and the communities we serve."

— Cathie Mahon, President/CEO, Inclusiv

At Inclusiv, diversity, equity and inclusion is part of our DNA and integral to everything we do. Inclusiv strives to practice cultural diversity in all aspects of our mission and work. Our commitment to financial inclusion and empowerment through community development credit unions is deeply rooted in our history of promoting the financial inclusion and economic revitalization of minority communities.

Inclusiv has for decades now, worked to bridge the growing racial and gender wealth gap that reveals deep inequities that remain in our economy and society. As financial cooperatives, credit unions are the ideal mechanism to address this divide by strengthening communities and helping their members access asset building tools through affordable, sustainable and responsible financial products, services and education. Credit unions that are founded, owned, and managed by communities of color and other underserved and marginalized communities are an essential part of our industry and a critical part of the solution.

At Inclusiv, we are committed to ensuring diverse voices and perspectives have a seat at the table of organizational leadership and decision making. We intentionally create an inclusive culture by cultivating diversity top to bottom across governance, leadership, skills and expertise.

We are committed to practicing these values in the way we engage in our work internally with our teams, with our members, and the communities they serve. We actively seek, invite and engage diverse perspectives, and strive to bring a DEI lens to all aspects of our work with a dedication to continual growth and learning both at the individual and organizational level.

Living Our Commitment

The Inclusiv network is comprised of 33% minority designated credit unions with an additional 53% that meets at least one criteria for the designation. The Inclusiv Board of Directors is elected from its membership and is composed entirely by leaders from the communities we serve. More than one-half (53%) of Board members are women; and 60% of Board members are African American or Latino, with the executive committee 40% women and 60% African American or Latino.

Our staff is more than 70% women and 58% people of color, predominantly African American, Asian and Latino. Staff are encouraged to bring their cultural heritage to their work and connect the mission and network to their own diverse identity and personal backgrounds and experience.

Inclusiv Commitment to Fight for Racial Justice

Inclusiv is dedicated to the financial empowerment of communities of color. We affirm our commitment to fight systemic racism and oppression throughout our work. At Inclusiv, we acknowledge our responsibility to not conduct business as usual but rather to lock arms with our members, partners and allies to explore, challenge and overcome racial injustice wherever we encounter it. While we have worked hard and passionately to expand financial access and inclusion, we recognize that these efforts are not enough. Read the full statement here.

Commitment to Non-Discrimination & Civil Rights

In accordance with federal laws and U.S. Department of the Treasury policy, this organization is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to:

U.S. Department of the Treasury
Director, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20220

Or send an e-mail to: crcomplaints@treasury.gov.


In accordance with federal laws and regulations (40 CFR Parts 5 and 7), and the policies of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this organization is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to:

Pamela Owens, SVP, People and Organizational Development
39 Broadway, Suite 2140, New York, NY 10006

Call (212) 809-1850, Ext. 215; or send an e-mail to crcomplaints@inclusiv.org.



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