Serving Older Adults: Better Directions

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Better Directions: Financial Security Has No Age Limits

Many older Americans believe it’s impossible to gain a measure of financial well-being. At the Inclusiv, we are working through our Better Directions program to expand economic opportunities for the aging in low-income and underserved communities across the nation; helping them create and rebuild assets through trusted relationships with credit unions.

Download the Better Directions 2013 Report

Older adults in the United States face acute financial pressures that include inability to pay for basic needs, lack of savings and high debt. They are susceptible to financial scams and targeted by financial predators of all stripes. With the ranks of low-income seniors growing, and millions of baby boomers reaching retirement age, financial security for older adults is a major concern for credit unions and national advocacy agencies.

The Inclusiv helps low- and moderate-income people and communities achieve financial independence through credit unions. Inclusiv’s Better Directions program is all about finding solutions; a nationwide program that helps seniors to achieve economic security and supports Credit Unions and their economic casework partners in finding ways to assist this at-risk community around the country.

Better Directions credit unions offer innovative products that assist older adults struggling with their finances and use partnerships to leverage resources in their communities—insuring that older adults are partnered with a responsible community agency and trusted financial institution.

Learn about some of the seniors that have benefitted from the program: Better Directions Stories

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