Sander Casino

Sander Casino
Senior Vice President of Finance, Local Government Federal Credit Union

Sander Casino is the SVP of Finance at Local Government Federal Credit Union, in Raleigh, NC. He oversees the credit union’s investments, financial risk and asset-liability management as well as financial inclusion and community strategies programs. Sander brings 5 years of credit union experience as well as 16 years of banking experience prior to that. Sander has an undergraduate degree in Finance from UMass Isenberg School of Business, a Graduate Certificate in Financial Markets from Boston University and is completing an Advanced Certificate in Management, Innovation and Technology from MIT Sloan School of Business. He has served on several advisory boards located in Raleigh, NC including that of The Raleigh School, an elementary education cooperative, Plexus Capital, an SBIC investment firm as well as the Financial Mathematics Program at NC State University. As an avid reader and lifelong learner, Sander believes we can forever be learning and growing and should always be progressing our minds towards greatness while at the same time recognizing it is our duty to pass along knowledge and teachings to others. Sander wakes up every day enjoying his work because he believes LGFCU, and credit unions at large, are having a positive impact on those we serve. While individual credit union field of memberships may be a microcosm of society, the impact we have can support broader benefit in a people helping people, democratic and cooperatively principled approach. Sander looks forward to working further with Inclusiv and supporting the strong impacts that CDCU credit unions have in delivering access to credit and key financial tools.  

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