2014 Annual Conference Track Descriptions

2014 Annual Conference Session Tracks

Insights | Innovation | Capacity-Building & Compliance


This track will promote new understanding of the financial lives of low-income Americans, including insights into the financial needs of very-low wage earners and households with multiple and varying income sources.  Use research and program results to increase your relevance, inform your strategy and create data-driven solutions.  Unlock your credit union's customer data to drive program and product design that keeps pace with the evolving needs and desires of customers and funders.


Technology is revolutionizing financial service platforms, products and delivery, shaping consumer expectations and redefining how credit unions run their organizations.  Hear how technology is helping low-income consumers save, borrow and improve their financial well-being while helping credit unions make their products affordable and sustainable.  Plus learn how to leverage technology to reach scale and increase your impact in the community.

Capacity-Building & Compliance

Community development credit unions are experts at forging partnerships with community groups and local government to offer safe and affordable alternatives to high cost fringe lenders.  Learn how to take your community development to the next level, generating greater community awareness and making your products and services even more accessible.  Plus keep up-to-date with new federal regulations and impending legislation to maintain your credit union's financial health so that you can focus on the financial well-being of your members.

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