Sarah Sanders

Sarah SandersSarah Sanders

Over the last decade Sarah Sanders has worked with CDFIs and other nonprofits to improve their organizational strength and financial position.

Sarah draws upon a wide range of experience to facilitate organizational growth. She has assisted over 30 mission-driven organizations with market analyses tailored specifically to their organizational needs - supporting strategic decision making and smart growth in her client’s products, delivery and community impact. She is an effective fundraiser and has raised over $30 million in government and foundation grant funding and tax credit authority for clients. An experienced group facilitator, she enjoys guiding strategic planning exercises, board working sessions, classroom training and delivering research findings and project presentations. Sarah knows how to capture the most compelling data to support funding and marketing strategies.

Sarah has a cooperative spirit and shares her knowledge and expertise as part of working groups and with industry professionals and interested public at conferences. She was most recently invited to speak at the 10th Annual Native CDFI Convening and 2013 Opportunity Finance Network Annual Conference. She is pleased to work with a cadre of talented credit union experts as a Inclusiv/Network Consultant for the National Inclusiv of Community Development Credit Union and regularly works with the dedicated staff of First Nations Oweesta Corporation to support economic development in Native communities.

Sarah believes our young people have a lot to say. She is founder and co-facilitator of SMART- Sistahs Motivating Another Reality Together, a young women’s empowerment program in its third full year of Milwaukee operations.

Sarah holds a B.A. in Political Science and Communication Arts and a Master of Public Affairs from the Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. She is a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer with technical assistance training in Rural Health Education and international project management experience. She is fluent in Spanish. Sarah is a member of the Red Cross First Aid Service Team in her adopted hometown of Milwaukee.

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