Organizing a CDCU

If you are interested in organizing a community development credit union, Inclusiv can help.  The credit union organizing and chartering process requires commitment, expertise and resources.  Inclusiv has the tools to help community groups assess their readiness to begin on this  journey and the expertise to support those who are ready to take the next step.

shutterstock_111393362[1]Start with the chapter “To Organize or Not to Organize?” from our publication, Organizing Credit Unions: A Manual.  Download the first chapter here.

For groups committed to organizing a CDCU, we advise you to purchase Inclusiv's manual.  The updated edition is available at a cost of $95. To order a copy of our organizing manual, complete and submit the online order form.

Organizing groups might wish to consider:

  • Working with an expert in the chartering process. Inclusiv can connect you with consultants who provide intensive, on-site technical assistance on a contractual basis. Contact Jules Epstein-Hebert, Director of Membership, to discuss the type of assistance your group needs and for consultant availability."

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