Fireside Chats

Fireside Chats

Inclusiv CEO/President Cathie Mahon hosts a series of CEO-to-CEO Fireside chats focused on advancing economic justice and the benefits and opportunities in social impact investing.

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Robert Smith, Founder, CEO, and Chairman of Vista Equity Partners

Cathie Mahon and Robert Smith discuss his background as an engineer, the importance of education and mentorship, the role of financial institutions during the pandemic, Smith's Southern Communities Initiative, and his vision for ten years from now.

"The most effective way to drive capital and help communities of color is through a 'capillary banking system' - the CDFIs and MDIs - because they actually know the customers, are in the neighborhoods, and have the contacts. They are the principal providers of economic capital into these communities. But many of them didn't have the modernization capacity in their infrastructure and the capital, even though they had the wherewithal and the knowledge. We've gathered a number of allies - including Inclusiv, federal government legislature, the executive branch, and technology providers such as Finastra and Microsoft - to bring solutions and work as a team to make America a better and more inclusive place for access to capital." -Robert Smith

Cat Berman, CNote CEO

Inclusiv President/CEO Cathie Mahon and CNote CEO Cat Berman share a conversation on opportunities in social impact investing, supporting the work of CDFIs and CDFI credit unions to promote financial inclusion and economic justice, and how to best take advantage of this unprecedented moment of CDFI visibility.

The second part of the conversation speaks on the economic fall-out from the pandemic and the role of credit unions as financial first responders during the crisis, as well as how the needs of capital have changed on the way to recovery.

Tim Chen, NerdWallet CEO

Inclusiv has announced its partnership with NerdWallet, the online financial guidance resource for personal finance decisions, based in San Francisco, CA, on several initiatives to advance financial access in underserved communities. This multi-dimension partnership includes grant support to establish the Bay Area Economic Impact Fund to deliver economic relief for low-income consumers and COVID-19 response services for small businesses; a $2 million dollar deposit in Self-Help FCU and a call for other tech companies to join NerdWallet in taking similar action through Inclusiv’s Social Impact Deposit Platform; and NerdWallet employee support to harness NerdWallet’s expertise in technology and media in support of Inclusiv member credit unions.

Click here for NerdWallet's Financial Equality Project microsite.

In the video below, Cathie Mahon and Tim Chen discuss how we can advance financial access.

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