Interest in Housing Counseling Network

Inclusiv is currently seeking to expand its network of credit unions and nonprofit credit union affiliates that offer high-quality, objective homeownership education and counseling.  Learn more about Inclusiv's Housing Counseling Network here. The first step to joining our network is completing our questionnaire below.

Who should complete this questionnaire?

  • Credit unions that offer housing counseling and want to become HUD-approved through Inclusiv*
  • Credit unions that are interested to know more about offering housing counseling and becoming HUD-approved
  • Credit unions that work closely with a nonprofit housing counseling provider and want to learn more about Inclusiv's network
  • Nonprofits that are HUD-approved and work with closely with credit unions that are members of Inclusiv or interested in becoming members of Inclusiv

Your subsmission will be used by Inclusiv solely for informational purposes and will be kept confidential. After you complete the questionnaire, we will get in contact with you to discuss next steps. Thanks for your interest!

*Please note that Inclusiv only conveys HUD-approved status to member credit unions and their partners. To learn more about becoming a member of Inclusiv, click here.

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