Our Investors

Inclusiv’s Inclusiv/Capital has received loans, grants and deposit funds from many foundations, banks, government, religious organizations, and individual trusts including those listed below. Investments through Inclusiv are deployed at cooperatively-owned nonprofit financial institutions focused on serving low- and moderate-income communities across the nation.

  • Adrian Dominican Sisters
  • Amalgamated Bank
  • Bank of America
  • Clients of the Sustainability Group
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
  • Kresge Foundation
  • Mizuho Bank (USA)
  • Riverside Church
  • Sisters of Notre Dame
  • Sterling National Bank
  • The Ford Foundation
  • Threshold Foundation
  • Trinity Health Corporation
  • Unitarian Universalist Association
  • Unitarian Universalist Association at Shelter Rock
  • US Department of Treasury, CDFI Fund
  • Wells Fargo

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