Community Development Profile

The Community Development Profile is a personalized report developed by Inclusiv for member credit unions once each year. It offers a unique perspective on how your credit union compares with your peers in terms of the opportunity to serve low-income communities, your delivery of high-impact products and services and your overall financial performance. Each section of the CD Profile includes a brief narrative to help explain the data. First-time users will find a more complete guide to understanding your profile in the Annex below.

At the broadest level, the CD Profile identifies the key characteristics of credit unions that have been certified by the US Treasury Department's CDFI Fund as Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and also identifies those with high potential for certification. At a deeper level, the CD Profile allows credit unions to compare their own mix of products and services with those offered by their peers and to promote successful approaches to serving people of modest means.

For more information about the Community Development Profile or membership in Inclusiv, please contact Jules Epstein-Hebert, Program Officer, Membership at

Annex: Understanding Your Profile

What's in a number?
The CD Profile brings together data from a number of different sources to shine a fresh light on your credit union and the industry at large. The CD Profile does not define your credit union - no single report can ever do that - but it does provide a unique perspective on your activities and opportunities as well as a new way to see how you compare with your peers.

Inclusiv's mission is to help low-income people and communities achieve financial independence through credit unions. The CD Profile contributes to this mission by helping to align credit union products and services with the needs of people in low-income and underserved markets. While we use CD Profile data to enhance the impact of our own investment, research, advocacy, technical assistance and consulting activities, credit union executives and board members can also use this data to see how they compare with peers in terms of:

  • opportunities for growth and impact in underserved target markets
  • response to demand for products and services from these key target markets
  • performance in serving key segments of their membership

CD Profiles present credit union data in new ways. The Profile uses a proprietary analysis of credit union data to model the key products and services provided by community development credit unions (CDCUs). The results are key indicators and detailed tables that allow a profile comparison of any credit union with their CDCU peers. Public data for this analysis is primarily drawn from the National Credit Union Administration, the U.S. Treasury Department CDFI Fund, and the U.S. Census Bureau.

The first section of the Profile contains indicators and estimates of credit unions' target market opportunity, response and performance. The Annex includes detailed key financial information and peer comparisons in specific categories of community development products and services. Each yeara separate supplementary index includes data that can be used to complete approximately two-thirds of you credit union's CDFI Annual Data Collection and Certification Report.

Peer Comparisons
Your CD Profile includes a set of peer comparisons, some familiar, some which may be new, for four comparison groups:

  • All Credit Unions, comprising all credit unions active in the U.S. as of the the end of the year preceding your report
  • All Peer Credit Unions, comprising credit unions in your asset class
    - Peer Group #1: Less than $2MM in total assets
    - Peer Group #2: From $2MM to $10MM
    - Peer Group #3: From $10MM to $50MM
    - Peer Group #4: From $50MM to $100MM
    - Peer Group #5: From $100MM to $500MM
    - Peer Group #6: More than $500MM
  • Peer Low-Income Designated Credit Unions, comprising low-income designated credit unions in your asset class as defined by the National Credit Union Administration
  • CDFI Credit Unions, comprising credit unions defined as Community Development Financial Institutions as defined by the U.S. Treasury Department



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