Inclusiv Promotes Immigrant Economic Inclusion at NIIC

Inclusiv Promotes Immigrant Economic Inclusion at NIIC

Now in its 12th year, the National Immigrant Integration Conference is the largest conference on immigration in the U.S. and plays a central role in the powerful, diverse and broad immigrant and refugee rights and integration field. A core project of the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) and its member organizations—37 of the largest regional immigrant rights organizations in 31 states—NIIC convenes policymakers, academics, corporate and community leaders, researchers and practitioners, faith and labor leaders and funders from across the country.

In 2019, Inclusiv is proud to sponsor, alongside Citi, a track of sessions focused on immigrant economic inclusion:

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Immigrants and refugees are key contributors to the economy at every level. Increasingly, communities across the nation are recognizing that economic growth and opportunity is deeply tied to the successful inclusion of immigrants and refugees. The landscape of innovative initiatives around economic integration and inclusion has grown and become more diverse, in large part due to the advocacy and relationship building across the private and public sectors at the local, state and federal level. This Track will focus on developing networks to build welcoming economies, and leveraging economic development strategies to better engage the private sector as a key partner in integration.

Inclusiv will also participate in one session and will be represented by Rudy Medina, President of Second Federal, a division of Self Help FCU -- Inclusiv member, Juntos Avanzamos credit union, and one of our main Ventanilla partners in several cities. The session he will participate in is:

Developing Effective Peer Networks for Economic Integration.
Increasingly, effective immigrant integration work is being carried out by networks of stakeholders formed at the local and regional levels. This session will explore the evolution of these new communities of practice, approaches to advance  programmatic impact and policy initiatives, and how these efforts stretch beyond the local context to have national reach. Panelists will tackle how they have implemented welcoming efforts, included economic integration in their strategic planning, identified stakeholders in the business community and local government and the challenges to operating as a group.

See the schedule for all sessions in this track below. More information is available at

MON OCT 21 / 10:30AM-11:45AM / BLOCK 2 Shared Prosperity Building Inclusive Economies in the Heartland
MON OCT 21 / 1:45PM-3:00PM / BLOCK 3 Shared Prosperity Developing Effective Peer Networks for Economic Integration
TUES OCT 22 / 9:45AM-11:00AM / BLOCK 5 Shared Prosperity State Innovations on Integration Policy & Workforce Development
TUES OCT 22 / 11:15AM-12:30AM / BLOCK 6 Shared Prosperity Role of Business in Supporting Immigrant & Refugee Inclusion

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