2020 Inclusive Finance Report Released

2020 Inclusiv Finance Report Released

Inclusiv releases our 2020 Inclusive Finance Report, which presents the latest research and findings demonstrating how the community development lending model enables credit unions to perform better, more equitably and more responsibly than mainstream peer financial institutions, especially in times of economic uncertainty.

As financial institutions consistently deliver affordable, accessible financial products for underserved consumers and communities, the data shows that community development credit unions are best prepared to meet the challenges of today. Amidst a global pandemic and the corresponding social and economic crises, the need for local community lenders to provide patient, flexible capital in communities depleted by job loss and income disruption is vital to keeping local economies afloat. The Inclusive Finance Report shows that the ability to respond to these local needs with the right products and services is also key to building and growing the financials of the credit union.

Download the report to get a detailed, data-driven overview of how the CDCU business model is deliberately and aptly suited to meet today's challenges and reverse the disparities facing underserved communities.

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