CDFI Fund’s Annual Certification Report Deadline Announced

CDFI Fund's Annual Certification Report Deadline Announced 

Reports must be submitted to the CDFI Fund by July 31, 2018

The Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund has released the Annual Certification Report for the reporting period of FY 2017. The report is to be completed and submitted through the Awards Management and Information System (AMIS), accessed via the CDFI Fund's website. The format for this year's report has not changed since last year.

CDFI credit unions must submit a completed application by July 31st in order to maintain their certification. 

As a membership benefit, the Federation now offers complimentary CDFI Annual Certification Reporting to its members. If your credit union has already signed up for this program and submitted information for the report, rest easy. You are in good hands, and we will follow up with you as we prepare your report.

If you are not yet a member of the Federation, gain some peace of mind by joining our network. Join the Federation and we'll take care of your CDFI Annual Certification Reports in the future!

Is your community development credit union missing out on other essential resources, consulting services and expert insights like these?

Learn more about our members, membership benefits and how you can join the Federation by visiting .

Why use the Federation for CDFI Reporting?

Our team of CDFI specialists is here to help you navigate the Fund's reporting requirements with:

  • Target Market Analysis
  • Target Market Modifications
  • Material Events
  • Report Preparation and Submission

CDFI certification is one of the building blocks for sustainable growth in low-income communities, and the CDFI Fund is one of the most important sources of capital for credit unions serving underserved communities. The Federation is a permanent member of the national CDFI Coalition and was instrumental in establishing the CDFI Fund in 1994. The Federation advocates on behalf of all credit unions with the CDFI Fund to increase the number and size of financial assistance awards for credit unions. Pricing of engagements, including CDFI Reporting for member and non-member credit unions, reflects the Federation's commitment to credit unions serving low-income members.

Contact Jules Hebert, Membership Program Officer, at for more information about the Federation and CDFI Reporting engagements, or to find out what our CU Breakthrough consultants can do for you.

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