Free CDFI Annual Certification Reporting

Free CDFI Annual Certification Reporting

Member must sign up by January 31st, 2019

In 2018, Inclusiv prepared CDFI Annual Certification Reports (ACRs) for 98 of our member credit unions, and we hope to assist you with the 2019 CDFI ACR as well!

The CDFI Fund now requires all certified CDFIs to complete mandatory ACRs in order to maintain their certification. This past year, Inclusiv provided full assistance with CDFI reporting to members upon request, and we look forward to expanding upon the success of this service in the coming year.

Please note that Inclusiv reserves the right to assess a cost for this service on registration submissions received after January 31st.

We will be in touch with all registered members in mid-January to share the data-collection documents you will need to complete in order for us to prepare the report on your behalf, and will provide instructions for securely sending us your information.

For questions about this offer, CDFI certification or becoming a Inclusiv member, please contact Jules Epstein-Hebert at

The Maps are changing. We can show you what it means.

2013 CDFI Investment Area Map

2018 CDFI Investment Area Map

What map?

The CDFI Fund has released its first updated map of CDFI Investment Areas in the last five years. While the total number of qualified census tracts has remained roughly constant, there are major shifts within and between states and localities.

Why does it matter?

Investment Areas are the most common type of Target Market used in CDFI certifications. Changes in the map of qualified Investment Areas may affect your continued CDFI eligibility.

When does it take effect?

For annual recertification in 2019, CDFIs may use either the old map or the new one, whichever is best. After October 2019, only the new map will be allowed for CDFI Target Market compliance.

What should I do?

As a member of Inclusiv, you are entitled to a free CDFI Target Market Analysis and Annual Certification Report (ACR). This year we will map loans against both old and new Investment Areas to see what is best for your 2019 ACR and the potential impact on your future CDFI eligibility.

What happens after I register?

In January we will send you a template and instructions to collect and submit the data we need. Our Inclusiv model reduces the burden of data collection to a bare minimum, providing a full analysis of CDFI-eligible lending with the fewest possible fields of data.

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