Green Finance Update: Solar Energy Training and Certificate Program

Green Finance Update:
Solar Energy Training and Certificate Program guides 36 institutions in developing solar lending programs

One in four households struggle with high energy costs. But when consumers and businesses invest in renewable energy, the environment benefits and people become more energy independent. The Inclusiv Center for Resiliency and Clean Energy and the Center for Impact Finance at the University of New Hampshire's Carsey School of Public Policy offer consumer and commercial solar lending training tracks. Targeting lending practitioners at credit unions, MDIs, CDFIs, and community banks, the training prepares and guides community-based lending institutions seeking to offer solar financing.

Click here to download the Solar Lending update.
  • Thirty-six institutions have completed the program since November 2020, gaining practical application skills and tools needed to design and implement solar lending programs. They've gained access to a network of peers and learned best practices to help develop solar loan products.
  • Graduates receive ongoing support after course completion to help develop solar loan products, collaborate with other institutions to provide solar financing, and deploy loans or investments.
  • The consumer lending track is giving lenders the practical application skills and tools needed to design and implement solar lending programs.
  • The commercial lending track is teaching lenders the larger context of electricity generation, transmission, and distribution and how regulations and incentives shape opportunities for commercial solar development.
  • Apply for upcoming training sessions in consumer lending (May 5 to June 23) and commercial lending (Sept 16 to Nov 4) here.

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