Inclusiv/Insights Quarterly Trends Call

Inclusiv/Insights Quarterly Trends Call

Join us December 21st to learn about CDFI and MDI credit union trends

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of inclusive systems and the impact of community-led financial institutions in reaching underinvested communities disparately impacted by the pandemic.

Join Inclusiv/Capital for Inclusiv/Insights, a quarterly financial trends review of CDFI and minority designated credit unions. During this session, we will review the landscape of CDFI and MDI credit unions, their financial performance and impact in advancing financial inclusion and equitable local economies.

Register in advance for this webinar:


This call ideal for potential investors, lenders, and industry leaders interested in taking a deep dive into the financial and performance data trends of CDFI and MDI credit unions in advancing ESG and integrating impact into their portfolios.

Please send your questions to Cathi Kim at before 5:00 PM ET, December 20.

Featured Speaker:

Cathi Kim is Director of Inclusiv/Capital. Cathi's work at Inclusiv is focused on connecting CDCUs to capital to strengthen their double bottom line of financial growth and community impact. Her role includes leading underwriting, market analysis and strategy development, advising on credit union regulations, business planning, and impact design to help credit unions strengthen their double bottom line of financial growth and community impact. Prior to her work at Inclusiv, Cathi worked on housing and immigrant rights campaigns and complex civil litigations.

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