Meet the 2021 Board Nominees

Meet the Nominees:
2021 Inclusiv Board Elections

The challenges and successes of the past year have lead to increased growth and engagement of our movement. This is reflected in Inclusiv's Board nomination process, with an unprecedented 33 nominees for five (5) seats!

This year, we are holding elections in Region 1 and in the At-Large category. Our member credit unions in Region 1 will be able to vote for their top candidate and credit unions in all regions may vote for their top choice for the At-Large open seats. The Inclusiv Board of Directors remains committed to diversity of credit union in terms of asset sizes. At least one of the At-Large seats this year will go to a small credit union (<$100MM) receiving the most votes from members. We will phase in a second At-Large seat dedicated to small credit unions in the next election cycle.

All voting is online, and we are once again working with Simply Voting Inc. Member credit unions will receive an email from Simply Voting with their credentials, password, and voting instructions in the next couple days. Board elections will now start on August 25 and close on September 20.

Election results for the new Board of Directors will be announced at the Inclusiv's Virtual Annual Conference during the Annual Business Meeting on Tuesday, September 21. Don’t forget to register!

For questions about governance or the elections process, please contact Pamela Owens at

View the 33 Nominees

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