New Webinar: Changes to CDFI Reporting Requirements

webinar-icon blue dotThe CDFI Fund is implementing a mandatory Annual Certification Report to be completed by all certified CDFIs. All CDFI certified credit unions will be required to complete this new report to remain in compliance with CDFI Fund rules and to maintain your credit union's CDFI certification.

The Federation and its CU Breakthrough team are here to help you navigate this new reporting requirement. You are invited to a webinar on May 4th when the Federation will provide CDFI credit unions with guidelines for understanding and completing this new required reporting in the most efficient way possible.
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Changes to CDFI Fund's Reporting Requirements for Credit Unions
Wednesday, May 4, 2016 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm ET 

CDFI credit unions are expected to use the NCUA fiscal year for reporting purposes, since these annual reports will draw heavily from year-end call report data (as of December 31st). As a result, the deadline for CDFI Credit unions to complete the new Annual Certification Report will be July 31, 2016.
Click here to see the Fund's announcement about the new reporting requirement.
Beware of other organizations' claims of helping your credit union certify or recertify for a period of more than one year. This new reporting requirement will require certification on an annual basis. If you have any questions about CDFI certification or the May 4 Annual Certification Reporting webinar, please contact Jules Hebert at
The Annual Certification Reporting webinar is free to members; non-member credit unions may attend this webinar at a cost of $99.

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