NLCUP Luncheon at GAC

On February 23, 2016, NLCUP hosted a reception for Juntos Avanzamos (Together We Advance). Juntos Avanzamos – Together We Advance – is a designation for credit unions committed to serving and empowering Hispanic consumers. Juntos Avanzamos was developed by the Cornerstone Credit Union League as an immigrant outreach program in Texas. The Federation is leading the national expansion of Juntos Avanzamos, in partnership with the Network of Latino Credit Unions and Professionals (NLCUP); Coopera, Iowa-based consultants to the industry on the Hispanic market; and a growing number of state leagues and associations across the country, including the Cornerstone League, the California and Nevada Credit Union League, Mountain West Credit Union Association, Credit Union Association of New Mexico, and the Iowa Credit Union Association. The number of Juntos Avanzamos credit unions is expanding rapidly; through February 2016, the network includes 46 credit unions in seven states and the District of Columbia.

At the NLCUP reception, two new credit unions, Border FCU (TX) and DGFCU (DC), were welcomed to the Juntos Avanzamos network and were presented with a Proclamation reflecting their commitment to the Hispanic market and institutional readiness to meet the needs of Hispanic consumers.

JA NLCUP Lunch Feb 2016

Pictured above from left to right: Dick Ensweiler, President/CEO of Cornerstone CUL; Murray Williams, Acting President/CEO Iowa CUL; Carla Decker, President/CEO DGEFCU; Cathie Mahon, President/CEO National Federation of CDCUs; Maria Martinez, President/CEO Border FCU; Larry Palochik EVP CCUL; Paul Stull, President/CEO CUANM; Ana Maria Rog, Acceso Branch Manager, DGEFCU; Miriam De Dios, President/CEO Coopera; Scott Earl, President/CEO Mountain West CUA; Pablo DeFilippi, VP Membership National Federation of CDCUs

Visit to learn how your credit union can qualify for the Juntos Avanzamos designation. Interested credit unions need to submit an application and a narrative highlighting their capacity and experience in working with their local Hispanic community.

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