nLIFT Aspen Report: Fulfilling the Promise of Fintech

Fulfilling the Promise of Fintech:

The Case for a Nonprofit Vision and Leadership 

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"We believe that now is the moment for sustained and intentional collaboration. nLift envisions all stakeholders - nonprofits, fintechs, donors, investors, policymakers, opinion leaders, the general public, and customers, especially low- and moderate-income customers - coming together now, in focused and fruitful dialogue and cooperation, to ensure that we fully leverage fintech's tremendous untapped potential to expand financial security. All of us have roles to play."

The Federation is a member of nLift, Nonprofit Leaders in Financial Technology, a group of organizations with a shared goal of increasing financial inclusion through technology-driven platforms, convened by the Aspen Institute's FIELD and Financial Security Program.

In addition to the Federation, nLift members include Commonwealth, EARN, The Financial Clinic, Mission Asset Fund, MyPATH and Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners.

Technical innovations in financial services are creating a powerful opportunity to expand financial inclusion by delivering better designed products at larger scale and lower cost. To learn how the Federation and its nLift partners are leveraging fintech's tremendous untapped potential to expand financial security, click here to read the full report.

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