Overview of 2017 CDFI Fund NOFA

New Webinar for Credit Unions Interested in Applying for
CDFI Fund Grants of Up to $2 Million

The CDFI Fund has opened the 2017 competition for $175 million in Financial Assistance, Technical Assistance and Healthy Food Financing grants.  

On March 15th the Federation will hold a webinar to explain the latest changes to the application process to help your credit union develop the most competitive application possible.  

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Overview of 2017 CDFI Fund's NOFA
Wednesday, March 15, 2017 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm ET
  • March 15, 2017 at 2:00 pm ET - Federation webinar for Credit Union CDFI Applicants
  • March 21, 2017 at 1:00 pm ET: CDFI Fund webinar for Credit Union CDFI applicants
  • March 24, 2017 at 11:59 pm ET: Deadline to submit mandatory SF-424 through Grants.gov
  • April 26, 2017 at at 5:00 pm ET: Last day the CDFI Fund will answer questions about the 2017 application round
  • April 28, 2017 at 11:59 pm ET: Deadline for submitting FA/TA applications through AMIS
  • TBD: Expected date for award announcement

CDFI certification is a fundamental building block for credit unions serving predominantly low-income consumers and financially underserved communities. Certification is a valuable credential that helps credit unions increase their capacity to meet the needs of members with modest means and develop strategic partnerships to better reach out to and connect with low-wealth consumers. CDFI-certified credit unions are eligible to compete for Technical Assistance grants of up to $125,000, Financial Assistance grants of up to $2 million and Healthy Food Financing grants of up to $5 million.

If you have questions about CDFI certification or the CDFI grant application process, please contact Jules Epstein-Hebert at jhebert@inclusiv.org.

About the Federation and CU Breakthrough
CUB LogoThe Federation was instrumental in establishing the CDFI Fund in 1994, is a permanent member of the national CDFI Coalition and is the CDFI and community finance authority for the credit union industry. The Federation's member CDCUs represent 6 million consumers in low-income communities across the US, and we represent the majority of all CDFI-certified credit unions. The CDFI Fund is a unique source of capital for community development credit unions. CDFI grants can fuel growth in membership, deposits and loans in communities that are eager to join the cooperative finance movement. Today, CDFI Certification is an essential credential for credit unions that seek a larger role in the development of their communities. In addition to representing CDCUs' interest through advocacy with the CDFI Fund, the Federation is also an extensive resource for credit unions interested in learning more about CDFI-certification and offers expert certification and grant writing consulting services through it consulting group, CU Breakthrough.

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