State-of-the-Art Earnings Simulation Tools

Join Dr. Randy Thompson, CEO of TCT Risk Solutions, for a demonstration of
state-of-the-art earnings simulation tools designed specifically for credit unions

"The Federation has partnered with TCT to bring our members new online tools that are powerful, easy, and an affordable way to model the effects of new products on your balance sheet, and identify the equity needs related to future growth. These tools are critical to the success of CDFI certified and Low Income Designated credit unions."

- Pablo DeFilippi, Federation VP of Membership and Business Development

TCT's IRR management tools include:

  • Base Case IRR report with multiple shock scenarios
  • Online IRR Limits Calculation tool
  • Online IRR Simulation and Modeling tool
  • Online 12-month Liquidity Shock Test tool

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm ET

What credit unions are saying...

Easy to Use: "One of the things I appreciate most about the ALM Model is that the results are intuitively easy to understand, even for those individuals who have no financial background."

- Ida Chapko, CEO, Cal State LA FCU

Cost Effective:"We reduced the cost of IRR management by almost 40% over our previous vendor."

- Diana Michaels, CEO, Western Healthcare FCU

Independent Validation: "CostPro Suite provides an accurate estimation of the effect future interest rate charges would have on the balance sheet. Furthermore, the program provides an effective way of testing strategies intended to manage the effect of interest rate risk."

- Michael E. Richards, CPA, Richards & Associates

TCT Risk Solutions is a preferred partner of the Federation. Contact Jules Hebert, Membership Program Assistant, at for information about exclusive members-only pricing of TCT's IRR management tools.


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