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Welcome to the Inclusiv Conference!

Thanks for registering for the  2020 Inclusiv Virtual Conference on October 28, 2020!  Check out the day’s schedule at . Be sure to register for each event you want to attend!

Find a detailed user guide at  to help you navigate the virtual conference platform.

See below for some tips to help you build your personal conference schedule:

Start at the Conference Portal: From the conference portal, click on LOG IN. 

  • If you have not logged in before, please use the temporary password Conference2020. Upon logging in you will be asked to create a new password; you must then log in a second time with the password you created.
  • If you do not remember your credentials, email to reset your password.

Sign Up for Sessions: Once logged into the conference portal, sign up for the GENERAL and BREAKOUT sessions by clicking on the GENERAL and BREAKOUT sections of the Welcome Page or by clicking on CONFERENCE SCHEDULE under the Schedule tab. You must click REQUEST to register for each of the Conference plenaries and breakout sessions you plan to attend.

View Your Schedule: After you have registered for events, you can click on MY REGISTERED SESSIONS under the Schedule tab to see the sessions you’re registered to attend.

On the day of the Inclusiv Conference, go to MY REGISTERED SESSIONS and click on LAUNCH to enter your event.

If you need help navigating the conference site there are several options available to you:

  • FAQ page: Click on CONFERENCE FAQ under the FAQ tab and find answers to many common questions and issues.
  • User Guide: Click on the Welcome box on the Welcome Page to access the User Guide.
  • Chat Bubble: There is a Chat Bubble at the bottom of your browser on the Login and Welcome pages. Click on the chat bubble to interact with the conference support team for tech support.

Inclusiv staff are available to answer questions about the conference in advance of and on the day of the conference. Email or call for assistance:

Not registered yet? Register at

See you at the 2020 Inclusiv Virtual Conference!

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