Financial Inclusion for Immigrants: LA Roundtable

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LA Roundtable



CU Only Roundtable

9:00 AM
Welcoming remarks by Gary Perez USC FCU CEO
Introductions and Roundtable Objectives: Pablo DeFilippi and Cathie Mahon

9:30 AM
President Obama's immigration executive order: A historic opportunity to serve Immigrant Populations: Cathie Mahon and Miriam De Dios

• Understanding what it is and who it benefits
• How credit unions can respond to this historic opportunity: pathways to financial inclusion

10:00 AM
Assessing your readiness to serve this market: Pablo DeFilippi and Miriam De Dios

• Rethinking policies and procedures
• Developing a culture of inclusivity
• Account and transactional services
• The role of financial education: Leticia Mata - Orange County's FCU

10:45 AM
Experiences from the field

• Citizenship and DACA Lending: Joe Duran - Self Help FCU
• ITIN Lending: Alejandra Seluja - CU Breakthrough
• Remittance/Citizenship/Green card/DACA/DAPA loans: Luis Peralta - Kinecta CU/Nix

11:30 AM
Roundtable - What your credit union is doing in this space: Moderator Cathie Mahon

Public Session

12:30 PM
Working Lunch Los Angeles Councilmember Gil Cedillo

1:30 PM
Leveraging Partnerships: understanding how to structure collaborations to leverage the partners' core competencies: How immigrant’s networks and social service providers are mobilizing to serve immigrants. Using community based organization networks as outreach platforms

• Catholic Charities: Ron Lopez, Chief Administrative Officer
• Catholic Charities USA: Jane Stenson, Sr. Director for Poverty Reduction Strategies
• Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA): Xiomara Corpeño, National Campaigns Director
• National Council of La Raza (NCLR): Marisabel Torres, Senior Policy Analyst

2:30 PM
Governmental policies and responses to promoting financial inclusion:

• US Citizenship and Immigration Services: Graciela Arreola-Muñoz, Community Relations Officer
• Mexican Consulate of Los Angeles: Cónsul Adriana Argáiz, Department of Community Affairs
• City of Los Angeles: Dr. Linda Lopez, Chief Office of Immigrant Affairs, Mayor Eric Garcetti

3:30 PM Technology platforms to connect with immigrant populations and meet their needs

• Prepaid cards: Miriam De Dios
• Money/lending Circles: Luis Cervera - eMoneyPool
• Financial Wellness Program: Mario Avila - Emerge
• Remittances and microcredit: Oscar Bazoberry - World Data/IC

4:30 pm
Next Steps

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