Summer Series: Accurate and Empirical ALLL Placement and ALLL Benefits

Accurate and Empirical ALLL Placement

 Session Four of the Aligning Mission with Margin Webinar Series from the Federation and Thompson Consulting and Training

register-button smallDate: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 | Time: 2:00 - 3:00 pm EDT


This free webinar, presented by Randy Thompon, CEO, Thompson Consulting and Training is recommended for credit unions of all asset sizes. Learn about the appropriate ALLL placement and its benefits. In this session find out:

  • why so much confusion exists among auditors, managers and examiners on the best models to predict loan portfolio problems and the corrects methods to determine the amount that should be set aside to fund a credit union's ALLL
  • the advantages in using empirically and statistically based credit migration models to predict loan portfolio problems and to determine what should be set aside in the ALLL
  • the answers to all your ALLL placement questions

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