CDFI Certification White Paper

CDFI Certification: A Building Block of Credit Union Growth

CDFI Certification white paper coverThis White Paper, a joint effort of the Federation and CUNA, assesses the status and impact of CDFI certification on credit unions and the communities they serve. Credit unions have always been on the forefront of community development finance. Today, CDFI certification offers a key to unlocking the potential for credit union growth in underserved communities.

Key findings include that certification is within reach for thousands of credit unions and that CDFI credit unions:

  • thrive in tough markets
  • maximize leverage of external resources
  • are leaders in technology and innovative member services
  • represent a viable business model for community development

Since 1996, the Federation has been certified by the CDFI Fund as the only national CDFI intermediary exclusively devoted to credit unions. Since then, the Federation has served as the leading provider of technical assistance and consulting services to help credit unions obtain and capitalize on CDFI certification.

Click here to read the full report.

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