CDFI Certification Webinar Series

Join us! CDFI Certification Webinar Series

June 3 and June 10 at 2:00pm ET

Inclusiv invites you to join us next month for a two part webinar series focused on CDFI Certification. Although several CDFI Fund grant opportunities have already passed during the first half of the year, there are still additional funding opportunities to come for those who have their CDFI certification or are interested in applying for it. As a result, we strongly encourage credit unions that are not yet CDFI certified to attend an upcoming session to learn more about next steps for obtaining CDFI certification.

Session 1: NCUA Streamlined CDFI Certification Next Steps

Thursday, June 3, 2:00-3:00 pm ET

In early April, some of our members sent their loan data to NCUA for analysis and were approved for streamlined CDFI certification. There are still a series of steps that these approved credit unions will need to take in order to officially submit their applications to the CDFI Fund. If you are a credit union who has been approved for the streamlined process based on your loan data, please join us on June 3 to learn the specific next steps and resources that are available to help you complete and submit your CDFI certification application.

Who should attend this webinar?

  • Credit unions that submitted a streamlined CDFI certification to NCUA and were approved

To register for the first part of the webinar series, click the link below:


Session 2: Standard CDFI Certification Application Process

Thursday, June 10, 2:00-3:00 pm ET

If you are a credit union that is interested in submitting a standard (non-streamlined) application for CDFI certification, or if you weren’t approved for the streamlined process based on your loan analysis by NCUA, then this next webinar is for you. Inclusiv’s CDFI experts will share how to submit a traditional application for CDFI certification, what information is required, and what resources are available to support our member credit unions. It’s important to start the CDFI certification application as soon as possible so that you will have a chance to apply for future CDFI Fund grants when they become available.

Who should attend this webinar?

  • Credit unions that want to obtain CDFI certification
  • Credit unions that submitted streamlined CDFI certification to NCUA and were NOT approved
  • Minority Designated (MDI) credit unions that are not CDFI certified

To register for the second part of the webinar series, click the link below:

Please feel free to send your questions in advance to Monica Copeland, Senior Program Officer at


Terry Ratigan, Senior Consultant, Inclusiv

Terry Ratigan plays an important role in program development, training, technical assistance and Inclusiv’s advocacy work. As a member of the Inclusiv/Network consulting services team, he provides expertise on CDFI certification, recertification, grant writing, and strategic planning for CDCUs around the country. In 2009, Mr. Ratigan developed a statistical random sampling methodology for target market analysis that has helped to double the number of CDFI certified credit unions. This breakthrough methodology also served as the basis for NCUA’s 2011 revision of the Final Rule on Low Income Designation and the 2012 CDFI Fund guidance on target market analysis for CDFI certification.

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