CFLA Now Accepting Applications

2015 Cooperative Finance Leaders for America Now Accepting Applications

The National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions is proud to launch the third year of the Cooperative Finance Leaders for America (CFLA) program, bringing talented new and emerging leaders into the credit union movement. This six-month paid fellowship helps credit unions gain access to a pool of talented staff drawn from among recent college graduates, graduate students and mid-career professionals transitioning into the credit union industry.

This year, CFLA will recruit, train and support up to 12 new and emerging professionals for placement in credit unions serving low- and moderate-income communities. CFLA's intensive training program will include a week-long summer institute and on-going support throughout the fellowship. In-person training will be held August 9 - 14, 2015 in New York City.

We encourage credit unions and prospective fellows to submit an application today! Please direct questions about CFLA to Jason Chang, Program Associate, at

Application due date extended to July 15, 2015.

Click here for a Fellows application.

Click here for a Credit Union application.

CFLA Email 3

Pictured L to R: Meeting with CFLA sponsor, Citi Community Development; classes at The New School; 2014 Fellow, Val Bonneau, with 1199 SEIU co-workers

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