Town Hall: Community Climate Financing

Inclusiv Town Hall Series:
Community Climate Financing

Join us on Tuesday, April 9 at 1:15 PM ET!

Inclusiv invites you to our next virtual Town Hall on Tuesday, April 9 at 1:15 PM ET, for an overview of community financing with a climate focus and details into the transformational resources being made available to lenders through the Environmental Protection Agency. Hear from your peers on Inclusiv’s board of directors, along with Inclusiv’s experts as we discuss what the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) will mean for our work.

The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make sure the benefits of solar, energy efficiency, and other cost-saving energy technologies reach the communities and members you serve – those most impacted by climate events, air pollution, and rising utility bills.

This session is part of the monthly Inclusiv Town Hall webinar series. If you are registered for this series, you'll already have access to the next Town Hall session. 

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