Opportunities to Invest

An investment in Inclusiv is an investment in cooperatively-owned nonprofit financial institutions focused on serving low- and moderate-income communities across the nation. For nearly 40 years, foundations, banks, religious organizations, and other institutions have invested in CDCUs through Inclusiv/Capital.

Socially Responsible Investment Opportunities

Inclusiv has nearly 40 years of experience in tailoring portfolios to the interests and needs of a variety of investors — foundations, banks, government, religious organizations, and individual trusts. Usually, investments to Inclusiv/Capital are $100,000 or more, for terms of at least three years, at below-market interest rates. We typically create a diversified portfolio of investments in multiple CDCUs and match the maturities of our investments in credit unions with the investor’s instructions. Inclusiv always maintains sufficient net worth and liquidity to repay any loans made to Inclusiv/Capital. Inclusiv has never defaulted on, deferred, or reduced any payment of principal or interest. All investors are invited to request a copy of our CPA-audited financial statements.

Investor Inquiries

For potential investors seeking further information about socially responsible investment opportunities, please fill out the investor inquiry form. Learn more.

Our Investors

Inclusiv/Capital has received loans, grants and deposit funds from many foundations, banks, government, religious organizations, and individual trusts including those listed below. Investments through Inclusiv are deployed at cooperatively-owned nonprofit financial institutions focused on serving low- and moderate-income communities across the nation.

Adrian Dominican Sisters

Amalgamated Bank

Bank of America

Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation

Kresge Foundation

Mizuho Bank (USA)

Riverside Church

Sisters of Notre Dame

Sterling National Bank

The Ford Foundation

Threshold Foundation

Trinity Health Corporation

Unitarian Universalist Association

Unitarian Universalist Association at Shelter Rock

US Department of Treasury, CDFI Fund

Wells Fargo

Clients of the Sustainability Group

Investment Selection Process

When placing deposits on behalf of our investors, Inclusiv deposits only up to insured limits (i.e. $250,000). Investment decisions for risk-bearing CDCU investments are made by Inclusiv’s arm’s length Community Development Investments Committee.

Credit Union applications for non-member and nominee deposits, which are insured investments, are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. Applications for risk-sharing deposits and secondary capital are accepted on a continuous basis but are considered for approval only at the triannual meetings of the Community Development Investments Committee.

Upon receipt of an investment application, Inclusiv staff review the applicant credit union’s history and mission, analyze its historical financial performance, and assess its business plan and financial projections. Inclusiv staff then submit their analysis of the application to the Committee for approval, modification, deferral, or rejection.

Community Development Investments Committee

The Community Development Investments Committee is an “arm’s length” group, consisting of experts in credit union management and community development finance; no voting member of the Committee may come from the board or staff of Inclusiv or Inclusiv member credit unions. The committee meets three times a year, in the spring, summer, and fall, to review applications from credit unions, monitor the investment portfolio, review program policies, and assess overall performance.

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