Meet the Candidates: 2023 Inclusiv Board Elections

Meet the Candidates:
2023 Inclusiv Board Elections

Inclusiv is excited to announce the opening of the 2023 Board Elections! The Board election process opens with eight (8) candidates for five (5) seats. The Inclusiv Board of Directors continued commitment to diversity can be seen with the variety of credit unions represented by the nominees. We continue to see an increase in the growth and engagement of our membership.

This year, we have one open seat in each of the following categories: Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5 and At-Large. Members in these regions will vote within their region as well as for the At-Large candidate. Our members in Region 1 will be able to vote for the At-Large candidate as we do not have an open seat in this region for 2023. Our candidates in Regions 4, 5 and At-large are running unopposed.

All voting is online, and we are once again working with Simply Voting Inc. Member credit unions will receive an email from Simply Voting with their credentials, password, and voting instructions on Monday, April 3rd. Board elections will close on May 2nd.

Election results for the new Board of Directors will be announced at the Annual Conference in Memphis, TN during the Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, May 3rdDon’t forget to register!


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