Inclusiv Newsroom

November 2017 Newsletter

New from the Federation...

Federation Matching Donations for Puerto Rico Relief

Federation continues to accept contributions...

Border FCU Charts a Path to Financial Empowerment

Pathways helps members reach financial goals...

Notes from the Field: Building Prosperity in the South

Program Officer Michelle Parker attended Southern Regional Prosperity Summit...

October 2017 Newsletter

New from the Federation...

New From Juntos Avanzamos – November 2017


Notes from the Field: Latino Entrepreneurship Workshop

Pablo DeFilippi, SVP of Membership, attended Foro Empresarial 2017...

Federation Comments on CFPB Arbitration Rule

The Federation strongly opposes S.J. Res. 47...

CU Times: CDFIs Strengthen Families in Crisis

Insights from Federation President/CEO Cathie Mahon...

Illinois Credit Union League proud to partner with Juntos Avanzamos

Illiana FCU receives Juntos Avanzamos designation...

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