Federation Small Business Lending Roundtable

Small Business Lending Roundtable: New Orleans

Wednesday, July 29, 2015 | 10 am - 2 pm
LCUL Annual Meeting | Sheraton New Orleans | Southdown Room | 500 Canal Street | New Orleans, LA

Register Button Seats are limited and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please contact Blake Myers at bmyers@inclusiv.org with questions about this roundtable

The Federation and the Louisiana Credit Union League are pleased to announce this opportunity for credit unions interested in expanding their member business lending. Come learn about a software and service partnership between the Federation and Community Reinvestment Fund, USA to offer a stand-alone business lending platform that integrates with SBA. This easy to use, web-based lending platform,with guides and tips for borrowers, has proven to reduce origination time by more than 40% by:

  • working directly with the borrower - the business owner can log-in into his application to follow loan processing and track deliverables
  • checking the work of the loan officer - through simple  checklists, the loan officer is able to improve the accuracy of the loan documentation submitted, quickly identifying the SBA forms required, saving time and loan officers' workload
  • pre-populating SBA forms and credit memos

Roundtable Agenda

10:00 am: Introduction and Opening Remarks

10:15 am: Platform Solutions for Business Lending

  • Streamlining business lending: introducing innovative business lending software

12:15 pm: Lunch (Lunch will be provided)

1:00 pm: SBA and Other Business Loan Guarantees

  • Guarantee your guarantee: techniques for working with the SBA and remaining compliant
  • Selling SBA loans on the secondary market
  • USDA lending
  • Other local and regional guarantee options

1:30 pm: Business Lending Strategies and Tactics

  • Competing on speed and convenience: the emergence of online business lending
  • Strategies and tactics for sourcing business loans
  • Findings from our analysis of successful business lending operations
  • Benefits of Low Income Designation and business lending

2:00 pm: Next Steps

 Register today at http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=ktshzucab&oeidk=a07eb965jtt22f6b53a.


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