Thank You to CDCUs

The Federation thanks its member community development credit unions and all credit unions serving the underserved on this International Credit Union Day. As we celebrate the cooperative principles that make credit unions the first choice for an increasing number of Americans, the Federation sends a special thanks to those credit unions that provide the unbanked and the underbanked with safe, responsible and affordable credit union products and services.

2015 AC Martin Eakes presentation 2At the Federation's Annual Conference, jointly held this year with CUNA's Community Credit Union Conference, keynote speaker Martin Eakes, CEO of Self-Help and the Center for Responsible Lending, spoke on the future of credit unions with a mission to serve low-income Americans. Read the blog posting on Martin's presentation below and click here to read his full presentation, including more about the American Pie pictured here.

blog_icon featured sizeIt would be impossible to encapsulate Martin Eakes's opening plenary on Thursday morning, which ranged from a recap of Self Help's amazing story of growth, in-depth quantitative analysis of the challenges of small credit unions, and moving personal stories of Martin's experience growing up in an African American community in North Carolina. The audience literally both laughed and cried.

Martin gave three practical recommendations to small credit unions to survive and thrive: grow your assets per member; increase your mortgage lending to moderate income, non-conforming homebuyers; and develop a mobile banking platform, an essential element of the future of financial services. But the more important message that Martin delivered this morning is that "it is our duty and our privilege to fight for freedom and economic justice." Martin and Self Help have certainly led by example. Everyone here in Phoenix will be taking these motivational words back to their credit unions to carry on that fight.

Visit for the conference program book, presentations and blog postings.

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