Credit Migration – Aligning Mission with Margin 2015

Size42.90 MB
Create DateJuly 17, 2015
Last UpdatedAugust 5, 2015
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Credit unions face many challenges as they pursue profitable loan portfolios. Attend this session and you'll learn why regulators and auditing firms are pressing credit unions to adopt and use effective credit migration models, and how the right models can assist in forming and maintaining effective loan policies and procedures, plus:

  • learn why so much confusion currently reigns among auditors, managers and examiners as to how best to predict loan portfolio problems and the correct methods to determine what's needed to fund a credit union's ALLL
  • the methods behind the best credit migration models and how these models can accurately identify, individually and categorically, the loans that are improving or digressing in quality
  • how credit migration models can be used for predicting problem loans long before they show up on delinquency reports

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