Inclusiv is Growing and Hiring!

Inclusiv is Growing - Evolving - and Hiring!

Inclusiv is growing and scaling our work to meet an unprecedented demand for capital to bridge the growing wealth gap. The Inclusiv network facilitates local determination by communities historically locked out of the financial system to ensure that capital is productive, priced fairly and designed to build financial well-being of people and communities. The murder of George Floyd and the national outcry that followed placed a much-needed spotlight on ongoing racial injustice. The widening wealth gap that accelerated during the pandemic has created a greater urgency to the work of local mission-driven community development financial institutions in their communities.

As the national network of community development credit unions devoted to financial inclusion and wealth building in low-income and communities of color, Inclusiv has grown dramatically. Over the last 18 months, the Inclusiv network grew by more than 50% to reach nearly 450 mission driven credit unions and cooperatives serving 17 million residents of low-income urban, rural and reservation-based communities across 46 states, DC and Puerto Rico. As a financial intermediary raising and deploying capital to fuel growth in credit unions, the Inclusiv balance sheet grew 60% to over $80 million. The Inclusiv Capital and Mortgage teams deployed more than $35 million in capital in the fourth quarter of 2021 alone. And the Inclusiv team provided record levels of service to underbanked consumers through financial coaching and digital banking and lending platforms.

Amid unprecedented growth for Inclusiv and our network of community development credit unions, we embarked on a year-long journey of organizational development, leadership growth and intensive exploration of a diverse, equitable and inclusive principles. Supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Inclusiv engaged outside expertise to support the shaping of the organization for scale, while preserving and enhancing our unique mission driven culture.

In an intensive 6-month engagement, the Inclusiv leadership and staff worked on an organizational restructuring process that simplified and streamlined business lines, organized reporting lines and workflows, envisioned talent needs for growth, formalized performance goals and staff performance expectations and identified key cross-cutting processes in need of targeted process improvements. Part of this effort was supported with fact-based analysis from McKinsey & Company, as part of their 10 actions towards racial equity.

Through this work we formalized the work of Inclusiv into three specific businesses: Inclusiv Network, Inclusiv CDFI and Inclusiv Next.

  • Inclusiv Network is committed to growing and building a strong and diverse network of CDFI certified, MDI designated credit unions committed to financial inclusion and community development. The Network’s goal is to build and strengthen their capacity; support the network to optimize resources and capital available to expand safe and responsible financing in low-income and communities of color; advocate on behalf on network members and their communities; and connect and build a strong and cohesive movement, engaging industry partners and allies.
  • Inclusiv Capital is the CDFI arm of Inclusiv responsible for raising and deploying capital to advance the Inclusiv mission of promoting financial inclusion and equity through credit unions. Inclusiv Capital operates multiple funds investing secondary capital, deposits and grants in credit unions; and manages a secondary market for non-conforming affordable mortgages to build wealth in low-income and communities of color.
  • Inclusiv Next advances Inclusiv’s mission and seeks to create a more inclusive, just, and resilient economy by identifying and promoting the products, services, and ideas on the frontier of impact for the credit union movement. Inclusiv Next advances this goal through the design of scalable solutions (tools, products, platforms and systems) that enable community development credit unions to expand their impact in LMI communities and communities of color; sharing of best practice and research and thought leadership for the field.

These three business lines are supported by three additional organization-wide functions: Chief Finance Office, Policy and Communications and People and Organizational Development to ensure the smooth and consistent delivery of service and information to members, borrowers, funders, investors and other partners and stakeholders. This restructuring will enable Inclusiv to more effectively meet the needs of its growing membership as the three business units will work closely together to support, strengthen and engage credit unions and cooperativas with specialized expertise, solutions and resources.

Senior managers worked throughout 2021 with Executive Coach Sharon Ruwart to foster and grow a coaching culture designed empower strategic thinking and decision-making throughout the diverse businesses of the organization while maintaining the strong identity and mission driven culture that Inclusiv is known for. We launched an in-depth exploration of what it means to be an organization committed to Anti-Racism and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion principles with Crossroads, an antiracism organizing and training consulting firm. Reinforcing and building an ongoing learning culture to better support network members on their journeys to eliminating racism and injustice in our economy and society is core to this work.

Meet the Leadership Team
We are proud to reacquaint you with the Inclusiv management team with decades of experience in community development, financial inclusion and empowerment, training and educational development and credit union operations.

Cathie Mahon is the Inclusiv President and CEO overseeing all businesses within the organization.
Eben Sheaffer is the Chief Financial Officer overseeing the financial performance, growth and expansion of the overall organization.
Pablo DeFilippi is our new Executive Vice President of the Inclusiv Network managing all aspects of our ever-growing network of credit union members.
Pam Owens is the Senior Vice President for People and Organizational Development overseeing this growing team, linking organizational strategy to people strategy and building and growing our diverse, equitable and inclusive culture.
Ann Solomon is our new Senior Vice President of Inclusiv Next leading research and programs to expand credit union reach and impact in low-income and communities of color.


We’re Hiring
The new organization plan anticipates growing the staff by 50% over the next 3 years to keep pace with the business growth. We have the following immediate positions open:
View all available positions here.

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