
Cathie Mahon, Inclusiv CEO, addressing CDFI Roundtable

Speaking Truth to Power… And Being Heard

Inclusiv speaks for financial inclusion for all Americans and for bringing the power of cooperative finance to all. The Inclusiv Board has a permanent Government Affairs Committee that tracks legislative, regulatory and policy issues that affect credit unions and develops and advocates for policy positions. Inclusiv and our members advocate for policies and regulations that help credit unions grow and the communities that they serve thrive.

Policy Platform

Inclusiv works with our member community development credit unions (CDCUs) to advance policies that support low-income people and communities in achieving financial independence and foster the creation of cooperatives dedicated to quality housing, better jobs, stronger businesses and wealth that remains and recycles in resilient, climate-prepared communities. Download our policy platform


Let your voice be heard too.  Tell us about a policy concern or opportunity that affects your community or credit union. Contact us at

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