Social Impact Deposits
Social impact deposits provide liquidity to support community development credit union- and cooperativa-led initiatives to provide affordable and trusted asset building opportunities to underinvested communities. Inclusiv provides streamlined access to deposits to CDCUs as they foster equitable, inclusive cooperative financial systems in urban, rural and reservation-based communities across the US and Puerto Rico.
Inclusiv partners with Primary Financial Co., LLC to offer the Social Impact Deposits Platform to CDCUs, expanding resources and streamlining access, along with the administration of deposits into credit unions from impact investors.
For credit unions, we provide a convenient and trusted way to work with a credit union-owned entity to increase efficiencies and expand options in funding your credit union’s growth and impact.
- The ability to aggregate investors into a single deposit: one wire, one certificate, one interest payment—regardless of the number of investors—easing the burden on credit union staff.
- The option to settle everything through automated debiting at your corporate credit union.
- The safety of working with a credit union-owned entity.
- No fees—ever.
To learn more about the Social Impact Deposits Platform and Inclusiv’s liquidity resources for CDCUs and cooperativas, contact us at
Inclusiv is not a depository institution. We are a CDFI-certified loan fund and intermediary that facilitates the placement of deposits into credit unions with capital raised from impact-motivated investors.