CDFI & MDI Credit Unions Quarterly Trends Call - Transforming Opportunities: Building Just Economies with Communities

Event Details




We’re delighted to kick off 2025 with our next Inclusiv/Insights quarterly trends call: Transforming Opportunities: Building Just Economies with Communities.  

Join Inclusiv/Capital for our quarterly review of Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) and Minority Depository Institution (MDI) credit unions. During this session, we will review the landscape of CDFI and MDI credit unions, their financial performance and impact in advancing financial inclusion and equitable local economies.

As we commemorate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we will highlight the impact of transformative initiatives with CDFI and MDI credit unions and how they are responding to the call for economic justice to build thriving communities.

In this webinar, we’ll highlight the impact of public/private partnerships, and historic initiatives such as Treasury’s Emergency Capital Investment Program in expanding opportunities and building stronger economies. We will also include updates from Inclusiv/Capital and the Inclusiv Impact Deposits Fund.