
Anna Foote's Week in Ohio Visiting Two 'Small But Mighty' Credit Unions

Anna Foote, Senior Ops & Compliance Specialist spent the week of March 11-15 week in Ohio visiting two of our member credit unions, Faith Community United CU and Toledo Urban FCU. Anna met staff and volunteers, provided staff training, received recaps of 2023 and learned about the credit unions' goals for 2024. Inclusiv is honored to be serving both of these small but mighty credit unions. The first stop was at Faith Community United Credit Union in Cleveland where Anna heard from staff and volunteers. She had valuable conversations with front line staff about the laws and regulations that inform their work and informed leadership about the support offered by the Ops & Compliance team for our smaller community development credit unions.

Faith Community's CEO Jackie Moore gave Anna a tour of the community the credit union serves and provided background on its origins, its remarkable history and its ongoing service to a community that is significantly under resourced.

"The passion and commitment of Faith Community's staff and volunteers is evident in everything they do and their value shows in the faces of every member I saw come through the lobby," says Anna Foote.


Anna's second stop was to Toledo Urban FCU's newly opened (and truly gorgeous) branch in Toledo, Ohio. Toledo Urban now has two branches serving the city's west side community, just a stone's throw from downtown Toledo.

"I didn't see even one bank branch serving this community," says Anna Foote.

In fact, Dr. Cowell is not waiting to see what needs to be done next - she is on to her next project, the development of a resource center that will offer space to several greatly needed service organizations, right across the street from a credit union branch! Both Credit Unions are leveraging their local political representatives and businesses to support the credit union and to bring resources and attention to the needs of the communities they serve.

"I am most grateful for the hospitability I was shown and I can't begin to express how impressed I am with both of these powerful and dedicated women," says Anna. "They are truly inspiring."