
How Community Development Credit Unions Are Using Capital to Expand Access to Clean Energy Financing

Inclusiv, Kresge Foundation and Natural Investments Invests $7 million in Subordinated Debt in Clean Energy Credit Union 

Though climate change impacts us all, underinvested communities are disparately affected by severe weather and other natural disasters. According to the Department of Energy, the national average energy burden for low-income households is three times higher than for non-low-income households. Historically redlined communities experience the highest energy burdens, with Black and Native American households spend about 45% more of their income on energy costs than non-Hispanic white households. Clean Energy Credit Union is dedicated to financing clean energy projects for consumers. Inclusiv and other leading organizations Kresge Foundation and Natural Investments recently invested $7 million in subordinated debt in Clean Energy CU. 

Read more below about this investment and how community development credit unions are creating access to affordable financing and driving sustainable investments that benefit both the environment and local economies. 

CUInsight Press Release