Government Printing Office FCU Supports Asset Building
for Those Seeking a Fresh Start

Washington, DC-based Government Printing Office FCU initiated a Culinary Job Training Program with community partner DC Central Kitchen. Students accepted into the program come from diverse backgrounds with histories of incarceration, substance abuse, homelessness or long-term joblessness.
DC Central Kitchen provides weekly stipends to off-set students' personal expenses during the 12-14 week program. To help students manage those funds, GPOFCU provides a basic savings account and conducts 12 hours of financial management as part of the curriculum. To encourage asset building, GPOFCU offers a Starter Investor Account for students to save a portion of their stipend. Even if it's just $2 a week, students begin saving for their financial goals and take steps to build assets. Richard, John and Anthony are rebuilding their credit with a Fresh Start Secured Visa credit card.